
Can a Busy Restaurant Owner with 2 Small Children Lose Weight and Get Enough Sleep?

Can a Busy Restaurant Owner Lose Weight and Get Enough Sleep

I own a restaurant, it is an upscale Mediterranean bistro, so, on the one hand, it makes it easy for me since I have a crew of talented chefs to cook for me, but my schedule can be crazy and I never get 8 hours sleep, 6 on a really good night. I know this is not ideal but between working nights and having two school-age kids I usually get to bed about 1:30 AM and I am up at 7:00 AM to get the boys to school. Also I frequently I miss my dinner because I’m busy at that time feeding other people, but then late at night I find myself very hungry so I have been making myself a little makeshift charcuterie with some pepperoni slices, a little cheese, some olives & nuts. Is this OK to do right before bed?  Thanks for your help.

that is an ideal late-night snack.  You shouldn’t wake during the night and six hours is plenty at one sitting-er- lying.  Can you manage a 30-minute nap in the middle of the day?  I started writing when my kids were little and late at night was the only time I had enough quiet time to get the work done (22 books and counting).  So I got into the habit years ago of six hours sleep.  But I have always laid down just for a few in the afternoon.  I recommend it.

What Doc says about sleep is that people need to have enough protein and fat in their system to tide them over to breakfast.  That’s why those low-fat diets don’t work – or at least one of the reasons.  Because people can actually get hypoglycemia in their sleep.  They wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep.  That’s why grandmothers recommended a glass of milk in the middle of the night.

What you’re doing is better.

Keep me posted on your progress.  If you’ll just eat 5 small protein/natural fat meals a day — heaven knows you have access to top quality food in your business — you are going to be hugely successful.  I just know it.

Yours in good health.

Linda West Eckhardt

co-author  The Silver Cloud Diet