
Know Your Diet: Top Highly Inflammatory Foods

Inflammatory Foods
If you suffer from chronic digestive issues and bloating, the culprit may be the food(s) that you are eating. Unfortunately, certain foods can cause inflammation in the body, and inflammation is an underlying cause in many diseases. While acute inflammation is a natural, healthy process that occurs when you have a cold or cut your skin, chronic inflammation is associated with many diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

To help you pinpoint if you suffer from chronic inflammation, be on the lookout for these symptoms.

• Bloating
• Gas
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Fatigue
• Bloating
• High blood glucose levels
• Chronic allergies
• Skin problems (i.e., psoriasis, eczema, etc.)
• Puffy bags under eyes
• Puffy face
• Erectile dysfunction
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Brain fog

Luckily you can help eliminate chronic inflammation by taking control of your lifestyle. To start, cut out these highly inflammatory foods from your diet.

Inflammatory Oils– Inflammatory oils are highly processed, such as soybean, corn, sunflower, canola, and safflower oil. These oils are high in inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, so reach for a healthier substitute such as olive, coconut, and avocado oil instead.

Soy– Despite what you might have heard about soy, many soy products are heavily processed. Due to this, many soy products are filled with toxins that can create chronic inflammation in the body and damage the cells in your body.

Sugar– We know that sugar is bad for us, but it just tastes so good! However, despite your sweet tooth, cutting out sugar from your diet is necessary if you want to feel better. Eating sugar can trigger the production of inflammation in the body, so limit or avoid at all costs.

Dairy and Gluten– Many people don’t realize that they don’t have an intolerance for gluten and dairy foods. They just become so used to eating both dairy and gluten and living with their uncomfortable symptoms. However, most people don’t realize this until they eliminate it from their diet. If you are not sure, try eliminating gluten and dairy from your diet and then carefully reintroduce them to see if you experience a reaction.