Metabolic Syndrome Leads to Dementia and Alzheimers
A frozen, unresponsive brain, begins decades earlier from lifestyle habits that may seem unrelated. According to the latest studies, there is no end in sight for the increasing rise in metabolic syndrome among Americans. As more and more people become overweight and obese, the hard numbers for metabolic syndrome rise at an alarming rate. And perhaps the worst part of the news is that even children are demonstrating this condition, due to poor diet and inactivity.
Metabolic syndrome is actually a collection of risk factors for type 2 diabetes and heart disease that includes abdominal obesity (belly fat) high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, low HDL (good) cholesterol, and high triglycerides.
Researchers believe more that while 50 million Americans had metabolic syndrome in 1990, that number has skyrocketed to 64 million today and is beginning a geometric progression that will result in a huge number of Americans with heart disease and cognitive disorders in their old age.
The largest numbers of subjects are young women. Actually younger and younger.
But we see this as an opportunity to help people understand why low carb diets, taken on at an early age can prevent the deadly slide from metabolic syndrome to diabetes type 2, heart disease and Alzheimers and senile dementia.
This worldwide problem is being studied in laboratories from Australia, to England, to the United States with many other countries including Japan in between.
Prospectively, it is a problem than an individual can handle quite easily. Choose a healthy low carb diet, like the Silver Cloud, get exercise and your chances for suffering this long slide into senility is greatly reduced.
For prevention and treatment of alzheimer’s and dementia, we teach people to eat a diet high in saturated fats and proteins from grass fed meats and wild caught fish. We show them why they must avoid sugars, and processed carbs of all kinds. We have a long list of patients on our roster who are doing much better on this regimen.
One of the interesting counter-intuitive things we have shown is that you are not what you eat, but rather what your body does with what you eat. Eating saturated fat does not make you fat and lead to the dreaded metabolic syndrome. Eating processed carbohydrates does.
Laboratory studies of blood samples shows that subjects who eat a low fat diet which is always high carb, actually have worse fats in their bloodstream, than those who eat a low carb, high dietary fat diet.
We know from experience that not only do people lose weight, but their overall health improves on our low carb regimen. Keeping blood glucose and insulin under control bodes well for a long and healthy life.