
What to do about heartburn on the Silver Cloud Diet? Doc answers query

What to do about heartburn on the Silver Cloud Diet? Heartburn is usually caused by the indigestion of carbohydrates, such as overly processed foods or fast foods.  The Silver Cloud Diet generally stops heartburn in its tracks.  But occasionally we hear from a patient who starts the Silver Cloud Full Fat Fast and is troubled by a bout of heartburn.  Read here what our patient wrote.

“I am in the 4th day of detox and am having severe heartburn.  Is this normal?  I haven’t had coffee today but it hasn’t helped.  I have lost 6 lbs, though, which is great.”

” Doc sez take 1000 mg l glutamine daily plus Digestive enzymes which are included in multiple vitamins such as lipase bromelain amylase etc which Twin Labs make or Gnc.  Keep it up.  you’re going great.  How many pounds now?”

Still six pounds, but I’ve dropped a couple inches off my waist, so I’m happy.