
A Silver Clouder Learns Why You Can’t Have Wine

Diet CocktailsHave you heard of chocoperfection?  YUMMMMMMMMMMMM, the ingredients are dry cocoa solids-60%, oligofructose*, erythritol, cocoa butter, soy lecithin, natural flavors. It’s a candy bar. I tested it and was very surprised. Oh, and they have regular milk chocolate too but I only sampled the dark, no aftertaste. I know Dr. Susan M. Lark, a wholistic gynecologist promotes xylitol, and these seem to all be in that family, the oligofructose, and erythritol. The millville candy company is supposed to send me a sample of their stevia dark chocolate. My mom just had surgery and her nurse saw a naturopathic doctor due to thyroid problems. He put her on low carb and he recommended xylitol to her and stevia for sweeteners. But it’s quite interesting how everyone’s low carb diets are different. I guess the full fat FAST is the part that must differentiate the Silver Cloud Diet. My friend is on South Beach, and that sounds different a bit too. Anyway, I’m still doing well. I think I’ll miss wine, but my friend that nurse said she cheated and had a glass of wine a couple weeks ago, and it made her crave sweets!!!! She’s been doing the diet for a close to a year. So I laughed and said, OHHHHHHHH, that’s why you can’t have wine!!!!!

But here’s the good news. Clear spirts are ok. A martini? yes.  A vodka and diet tonic? Si. So that’s not so bad. el