Many of the juices we choose to drink, including sugary sodas, so called high-energy sports beverages, and pasteurized goods, are far from giving you the sustenance your body needs to thrive and grow. This is why you need to reach for something fresh, something organic – something nutritionally alive. Introducing Lilli Pilli Berri Bar Cleanse, a 1 to 5-day juice cleanse focused on real foods that not only keep you hydrated, but also leave you feeling energized and restored. Since all the juices at Lilli Pilli Berri Bar are cold-pressed, you can be assured you’re getting all the key vitamins and enzymes that make these super drinks so replenishing. Never done a juice cleanse before? Not a problem.
After spending many years crafting the perfect mix of clean, nutrient dense foods together, Kylie Cappelli, dedicated health enthusiast and founder of Lilli Pilli Berri Bar in White Plains, NY, has discovered creative new ways to add extra antioxidants to your daily routine – without cutting down on the taste. In fact, have you ever tried “Absolutely Everything”, a luscious combination of swiss chard, celery, cucumber, kale, parsley, apple, lemon, ginger, and cayenne? Let me tell you this, it’s absolutely delectable! Simply put, these wonderful juices allow your body to eliminate stored toxins while giving it a well-deserved and much needed digestive break. Trust us; you’ll notice the differences right away. And the wings on the logo, well…we’re here to say these juices really do keep you flying back for more!
The rules of Lilli Pilli Berri Bar juice cleansing:
- For starters, Lilli Pilli Berri Bar recommends individuals eliminate grains, starchy, creamy foods, and anything packaged or processed.
- While you consume 6 juices a day, remember that no two bodies act the same, which is why some individuals might need up to 8.
- Drink lots of clean, fresh water. Not only does water keep you hydrated, but it also helps flush toxins from the body.
- Before consuming multiple juices, always wait 20 minutes.
- Various nut milk blends, while generally savory and wholesome, are best consumed at lunch or dinnertime.
- The juices, even though drinkable in one sitting, can be split into two servings, particularly if you need an extra pick-me-up in the afternoon time.
- Drink the juices regularly every two to three hours.
- If you exercise on a regular basis, please listen to your body. If this happens to be your first cleanse, keep in mind that your body is purging itself of common toxins (sugar, caffeine, etc.) and may need extra rest to adequately repair.
- This is NOT a fast. If you must eat, have something healthy such as a quarter of an avocado.