It’s not uncommon for a person to find themselves sniffling more than usual during the spring and summer as allergens such as pollen from trees, grass, and weeds inundate the eyes and noses of allergy sufferers. It affects many of us, so much so that more than 40% of children and 30% of adults suffer from seasonal allergies according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. The symptoms that go along with allergies, the itchy, watery eyes, mucus buildup, congestion, and the excessive sneezing is enough to make any sane person go a little bit crazy. All too often we reach for over the counter medication to lessen our misery, but did you know that this is a natural and straightforward way to get relief from your allergy symptoms?
One of the methods you can try is changing your eating habits. Certain foods and beverages can make your seasonal allergies worse. While it may be impossible for you to cut out all of the culprits out of your diet, it’s good to be mindful of how much you intake and how it affects you. To know which foods and beverages you should be limiting/eliminating from your diet, learn what not to eat if you have allergies.
Tomatoes – If you are allergic to grass pollens, you may want to avoid this cross-reactor since tomatoes are rich in histamines.
Chamomile Tea – A relaxing, delicious tea chamomile is an excellent herb that can help reduce coughing. Unfortunately, if you are allergic to ragweed, you will want to avoid this tea.
Wine – Even though it has been determined that a glass of wine a day is good for you if the wine contains sulfites it may induce asthma and allergies.
Blue Cheese – While this cheese may be an acquired taste, many find this cheese to be irresistible. Unfortunately, blue cheese is rich in histamines and can lead to an allergic reaction.
Coffee – Many of us need a cup of coffee to get going in the morning, but if you suffer from hay fever you may want to find an alternative, as coffee can act as a catalyst.
Celery – An excellent addition to many delicious dishes, celery can make weed and tree pollen allergy symptoms worse.
Melons – Nothing is more refreshing during the summer, but unfortunately if you are allergic to ragweed you need to add this delicious fruit to the list of culprits.
Parsley – Avoid this leafy green if you know you are allergic to tree pollens, in particular, birch or alder, as it can make your seasonal allergies worse.
Almonds – During the height of allergy season, you should consider avoiding almonds if you are allergic to tree pollen.
Bananas – While this delicious fruit is rich in potassium, if you have a ragweed allergy you might want to avoid this one. Bananas may be one of the contributors to your allergies.