Support Family Farms & Get Healthy with Raw Milk
Family-scale dairy farms feeding free-roaming cows on healthy grass face tough competition from concentrated animal feeding operations. The densely penned cows at CAFOs are sickened from being fed the abundance of corn grown with massive government subsidies. As incubators of E coli., they pose a very real threat to human health.
And CAFOs do other harm as well. “Cow droppings make good fertilizer on small farms,” says Jeff Deasy, founder of, “but at CAFOs the immense amount of waste generated is a toxic threat to the health of the environment.”
Of course, it is not the operators of the CAFOs who pay the human health and environmental costs. And unfortunately, there are those in positions of power who want to restrict consumer access to raw milk in the name of “public and food safety”, a ludicrous position in light of the tough challenges we face if we want a healthier and more sustainable food supply.
Making sure consumer access is protected will be of vital concern at the 2nd Annual Raw Milk Symposium coming up in Madison, Wisconsin on Saturday, April 10th.
<strong>Conference Overview</strong>
Wisconsin was carefully selected as the site of this year’s symposium because of the recent spate of government actions taken against Wisconsin raw dairy producers and their customers. Wisconsin, as the second largest dairy state in the union and the state with the most small dairies, is crucial for raw milk activists and defenders against the erosion of consumer rights.
The conference will begin with the personal stories of Wisconsin producers, Wayne and Kay Craig and raw milk consumer activist, Emily Matthews. Sally Fallon Morell and Dr. Ted Beals will delve into the science of raw milk nutrients, microflora and benefits. Then, the role of raw milk from an international perspective will be explored with speakers from Germany and Slovenia.
German biodynamic academic researcher Prof. Dr. Ton Baars will describe his research exploring unique raw milk healing properties and Syliva Onusic, Ph.D. will illustrate what enlightened leadership in other countries are embracing on behalf of their citizen’s health. The lawyer defending Wisconsin farmers, Elizabeth Rich, Esq., will discuss the legal distinction between the public good and the private right which will set the stage for the grand finale.
Michael Schmidt, in a rare public appearance (outside of the Canadian courtrooms), will kick off the highlight of the symposium and introduce “Joining in the Battle for Food Rights” panel discussion, moderated by a champion of raw milk rights, blogger David Gumpert.
<strong>Who’s Invited</strong>
Raw milk producers and their consumers, grass based farmers fed up with the low commodity milk prices looking for alternatives, folks that have seen healthier days, Future Farmers of America wanting to check out the buzz about direct sales of raw milk, constitutional scholars and lawyers looking for work that makes a difference, mothers and fathers looking for answers to their children’s chronic health and obesity problems, college students cutting classes and stumbling into some life changing information, new couples considering having a family, doctors and dentists interested in pragmatic prevention based solutions, teachers and parents concerned with sugared milk in school lunches and YOU!
<strong>Special Invitation</strong>
In particular, a special invitation of free registration is extended to any employee of these Wisconsin agencies – the Governor’s office, Wisconsin Senate and House of Representatives, DATCP and Wisconsin Raw Milk Board appointees. The symposium organizers will be happy to take their registrations personally, at 703-208-3276.
<strong>Featured Speakers </strong>
• Prof. Dr. Anthonie (Ton) Baars (biodynamic research, academics)
• Ted Beals, M.S., M.D. (medicine, pathology and microbiology)
• Wayne Craig, B.S. and Kay Craig, M.S. (producer’s perspective)
• David E. Gumpert (noted author and blogger)
• Pete Kennedy, Esq. (raw milk legal authority)
• Emily Matthews, RN (consumer’s perspective)
• Mark McAfee (entrepreneur, trail blazer)
• Sally Fallon Morell, M.A. (Founder, A Campaign for Real Milk)
• Sylvia P. Onusic Ph.D. (international raw milk perspective)
• Elizabeth Gamsky Rich, Esq. (Wisconsin raw milk legal authority)
• Michael Schmidt (Canadian pioneer of legal cow-shares)
• Tim Wightman (American pioneer of legal cow-shares)
<a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” alt=”Second Annual Raw Milk Symposium – April 10, 2010 – Madison, WI” width=”336″ height=”280″ border=”0″ /></a>