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FDA Shuts Down Soy Product Manufacturer: Dirty

FDA Shuts Down Soy Product ManufacturerWe keep telling you. Don’t choose American soy products because they’re made from GMO seed. They’re nothing but carbohydrates. Here’s one more reason to stay far far away. Dirty plant. Ugh.

FDA Shuts Down Soy Product Manufacturer

June 9, 2010
According to a June 7 statement from the FDA, Lifesoy can no longer manufacture tofu and its other soy products. The FDA filed a consent decree of permanent injunction in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California on June 2. This required the San Diego-based Lifesoy to stop manufacturing and distributing food products until it registers with the FDA and complies with federal laws regarding sanitary practices.

Lifesoy made sweetened and unsweetened soy milk, fried tofu, fresh tofu, soybean pudding, and other soy products for human consumption. The FDA alleges that Lifesoy did not hold and store the foods under proper refrigeration conditions to prevent the growth of microorganisms.

“Today’s action shows that the FDA will seek enforcement action against companies that continue to violate federal laws designed to protect the safety of the nation’s food supply,” said FDA Acting Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs Michael Chappell. “Food facilities such as Lifesoy are required by law to register with the FDA and follow current good manufacturing practices and other laws, including maintaining a sanitary facility.”

Before the company can reopen it must hire a qualified sanitation expert with no ties to the defendants, develop and implement a written sanitation program that’s approved by the FDA and have the agency re-inspect the facility.

Lifesoy was first inspected by the FDA in November 2007. According to a FDA statement, the agency attempted to help the company come into compliance with appropriate food safety laws, however Lifesoy failed.

Source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration